Expand your palate

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We all get used to certain kinds of every day foods. We pick up a routine, we tend to eat the same things over and over. While having your favorites is perfectly OK, broadening your horizons is also a great way to go on an adventure albeit while being in your kitchen. Experiencing new flavors, trying new spices or different combinations of the same spicesRead Now

Blackberry Lovin’

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Its winter people, sometimes the only thing we want to eat is chocolate cake, hot chocolate and mac & cheese. I decided to go against the blistery winter blues and experiment with the flavors of Blackberries. I had found them on sale this past week and decided to buy a couple pints because they appealed to me. As soon as I got home that nightRead Now

Be Careful of Party Planning…

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As I delve further into the world of blogging about food, parties, restaurants, adventures and other fun things. I have been trying to expand my knowledge base and also look into more exciting projects, recipes and even more adventures. Things that will get my readers excited to do these things themselves or give them ideas about the fun they could be having. For the lastRead Now

Omelets, Apples, Ramen & Crepes!

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Obviously I had a weekend foodventure. So much food, so many different flavors to explore. Absolutely incredible weekend spent with friends and family. Saturday I decided to try making an omelet, first time ever (crazy I know) for someone who cooks as much as I do I should have tried this long ago. The result was a great healthy omelet full of flavor. Ingredients: YellowRead Now