Skillets, Seafood & Cannons

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Last week we went to Gloucester. Wasn’t the original plan but it was a good one. We ended up trying this amazing little seafood restaurant called “Causeway” that was small but boisterous. Since it was packed and we had to wait we stopped next door to see if they had some long  sleeved shirts since it was chilly and me and Roosevelt forgot our jackets.Read Now

My Best Version of Banana Bread

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So everyone and their mother has their own version of banana bread. Someone’s mothers banana bread is the best ever. Believe me my mom’s is amazing. I always wanted to come up with my own recipe for it though and today without even trying it worked!! I had some bananas sitting on my counter, I mean that is usually the case right?  I decided letRead Now

Mexico + Japan = Maruyama

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For the last month or so I had the pleasure of working  in Northborough, while it may not seem exciting the food scene there is pretty cool. I found so many little spots I loved and thought were really good. My favorite was a fusion place that meshed the cuisines of Mexico and Japan and the flavors coming through were just so authentic I fellRead Now