Happy National Pi Day | Celebrate with Pizza!

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Math is not my strong suit, so although I know that “Pi Day” has nothing to do with food, 🙂 I want to celebrate National Pi Day a bit differently-by providing a list of some of my favorite places to eat pizza. I have eaten quite a bit of pizza in my 29 years and will try pretty much any topping and explore a myriadRead Now

Peanut Butter Bread | Peanut Butter Glaze

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I love food holidays and when I found out that March 1st was “National Peanut Butter Lovers Day” I was super psyched! I knew I just had to create something fantastic to share with all of you and get this holiday started on the right foot. As a child I remember eating peanut butter sandwiches ( yes just peanut butter) and drinking milk to washRead Now

La Perle Caribbean Restaurant | Everett, MA


I feel like I have always known I was going to love Haitian food the moment I tried it. Why? Well because there are so many similarities between their cuisine and my own native cuisine: Puerto Rican food. I was right, not only did I love everything I ate at La Perle Caribbean Restaurant, but I left wanting more and craving it almost every dayRead Now

Four Things You Need to know about Portsmouth


Portsmouth is one of those towns you can get lost in. There is so much to see, do and TONS to eat. I have done lighthouse boat tours, some local shopping, walked until my legs hurt and eaten until my belly’s full. Portsmouth is just that kind of town where you just feel welcome in and can continue to explore every time you go back. DaycationsRead Now