80+ Black Creatives You Can Support Right Now

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I can take no credit for the list below, this was all Visual Mag, a local, Lowell treasure who created this list highlighting Black creatives they have had in their publications. Here at Life as a Maven we stand behind our Black and Brown brothers and sisters and lift them up by supporting them in every way we can. I hope as we continue toRead Now

5 Ways to Celebrate Cinco de Mayo at Home

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Let’s celebrate something today It’s been a while since most of us have congregated with others. Parties, concerts, get-togethers, potlucks you name it are all on hold until this all blows over. I am privileged that I have everything I need here at home with a partner that can put up with me but honestly I know it gets boring. It gets boring for allRead Now

The Ultimate Guide to Shopping Local During the Coronavirus Quarantine

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com·mu·ni·ty /kəˈmyo͞onədē/ noun 1.a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. I have some pretty strong beliefs about what it’s going to take to keep our communities thriving in the midst of the COVID-19 quarantine, beliefs that involve keeping our mostRead Now

4 Easy to Make Restaurant Style Burgers

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The best things come in small packages, burgers included *I was asked by Carusele to participate in the #LaurasLean campaign, sponsored by Lauras Lean. Although I have been compensated, all opinions are my own. #ad I love burgers. Done right they hit the cravings in all the right ways and when I can make a good burger at home with fresh ingredients it makes itRead Now