1761 Old Mill Restaurant | Westminster, MA

Last week my mom took me to this place for my birthday, it was a wonderful time. The day was perfect, place beautiful and the food superb.

This place has antiques scattered throughout, small little dining rooms all separate from one another,heavenly smells wafting in and out and a gift shop that had all sorts of interesting and cool knick knacks.

Antique Apple Peeler

I was completely impressed by the fact that they served homemade pecan rolls, dinner rolls and corn fritters complimentary for each person and boy let me tell you those corn fritters were like biting into an insane mix of sweet and salty. Drizzled with a bit of syrup and fresh butter I would go back just for those.

The area that its in is very quiet, you hear the sounds of the wind against the trees, small waterfalls gushing and the birds cackling to each other; very relaxing especially if you have had a long week.


Let me get right into the food, because obviously that’s what you all want to know about right? should I start with the decadent Newburg Sauce that was on my moms Blue Crab Ravioli and Shrimp?  Or should I tell you about the extremely rich Baked Stuffed Shrimp with butter that I had. Actually no Ill tell you about the Lemon Meringue Pie with Raspberry Drizzle and Whipped Cream. Making you hungry yet? You should be.

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This place is a gem and if you want to get away from things even if its just for lunch or dinner do it. The scenery will calm you and the place will invite you back to an older time.


Live Always,



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