That Smoky Burger…


I had been browsing online for some good Burger Recipes to get inspired because I wanted to try Bison for the first time. Went to the store, no Bison so I went with Turkey. Honestly this is the beat Burger I have ever made. I took different ideas and just made it my own. The end result was a juicy,flavorful Burger where you wouldn’t evenRead Now

Oh My Limes!

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I decided yesterday to experiment with some baking, but then again when do I not experiment with food period? I had bought some fresh limes and wanted to see what I could make so I went online found a basic cake recipe just for measurements but completely changed it from top to bottom. I then decided I hadn’t had enough of limes so I didRead Now

In Search of the Perfect Ragu

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Pasta sauce is one of those things people always say their grandmother can do better than anyone else. After meeting Roosevelt and knowing he was used to authentic Italian food( being born and raised there) I knew I had to step my game up. Some traditional recipes filled with soul and love have been handed down to next generations but others like the one IRead Now