Chopped Competition – The Lowell Food & Wine Festival

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Judging the 2nd Annual Lowell Chopped competition was an opportunity I couldnt pass up, both as a help to Made in Lowell and because it gets my creative juices flowing as far as cooking and flavors. Along with the other judges, I was able to taste delightful, savory, sweet and unique dishes done by four incredible chefs. An experience that won’t soon be forgotten and IRead Now

Grand Tasting – The Lowell Food & Wine Festival

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As a volunteer/food blogger this year for the Lowell Food & Wine Festival I was able to experience a different side of the event. Setting up, helping our vendors, and seeing the crowds get excited as it became closer to event time were all a wonderful way to show me how things are behind the scenes. This year we had a larger number of vendors, andRead Now

Chicken & Waffles – Atlanta Day 3

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You can’t go wrong when you start your day off with Chicken & Waffles in Atlanta. This was my first time having real, authentic chicken & waffles with syrup. I am hooked, if the the perfectly fried chicken is this juicy all the time with the perfectly soft but not too soft waffles and just a bit of syrup is the same then I canRead Now

Tourists in Atlanta – Day 2

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Roosevelt & I became tourists the second day we were in Atlanta. We did as much as we possibly could in very little time and saw some historical landmarks, visited an amazing Zoo (one of four US Zoo’s to house Giant Pandas) and the largest Aquarium in the Western Hemisphere. Along the way we had good food, met great people and walked thousands of stepsRead Now