Pasta Primavera

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“I’m just someone who likes cooking and for whom sharing food is a form of expression.” – Maya Angelou This recipe brought back memories of Italy, not only because it is a pasta dish but because of one of the herbs I used in the dish. While in Milan I had a dish called , “Ravioli a la Borragine” that has stayed with me becauseRead Now

What I learned on my Visit to the Acadia Region

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I remember going to Maine almost every summer when I was a kid to go to camp and chill out by the lake. Once I grew up I didn’t go as often and really wanted to go back to have some new adventures and experiences. This last visit up to the Acadia Region was incredible, despite having a day with not so great weather. MaineRead Now

Strawberry Feta Salad

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I never used to be one for adding fruit to anything savory, I thought it would be weird and honestly never knew what I was missing. There are so many flavors that you can combine whether savory, sweet, tart, or earthy. The list is really endless and I have opened up my palate to experiment with these unique flavors. This week I have delighted toRead Now

Lowell Folk Festival 2017

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“Whatever is good for your soul, do that.” The festival vibes this year were incredible. The community, the small businesses, the performers and even the weather- everything just meshed together and created a beautiful atmosphere all weekend long. I have to say it was the best year yet and no I’m not just saying that because I finally got to try the Filipino food boothRead Now