Nana’s Chicken n Waffles | Conyers, GA


No one who cooks, cooks alone. Even at her most solitary, a cook in the kitchen is surrounded by generations of cooks past, the advice and menus of cooks present, the wisdom of cookbook writers. – Laurie Colwin The second I saw the line out the door and people waiting in their cars I knew I had picked a good place to eat. Outside Atlanta,Read Now

What to do on a 3 Day Vacation to Atlanta


 “Wanderlust: n. a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world” I can say without any doubt that I have severe wanderlust. I crave exploration, learning about new foods, and taking it as much as I can in this life I have. Atlanta provides this for me every time I go; something new each time I go with new experiences toRead Now

Kristi’s Heavenly Cobbler | Atlanta, GA


I believe in the power of baked goods. My meeting Kristi, the lovely owner and baker of Kristi’s Heavenly Peach Cobbler was really by chance. I go to Atlanta every year, and every year I find something new and someone new. Our friends, who live there connected us to Kristi because I wanted to taste the cobbler after seeing a post on social media. SheRead Now

Koshari Mama | Egyptian Street Food on the Rise


“Food is about making an interaction with ingredients, if you talk to them, they will always tell you a story.” Chef Jose Andres I have a thing with street food, maybe its because in all the food shows I watch it always looks like the best parts of cuisine all over the world. I have tried a good amount of street food, from Mexican streetRead Now