The 5 Winter Essentials You Need Right Now

While the official start date of winter is December 21st, it feels its just around the corner with the weather we’ve been having. ( Thanksgiving in New England this year was one of the coldest in many years) Brrr!  Tis’ the season to bundle up! Here in New England we often feel we are wearing a thousand layers just to stay warm but sometimes you find things that make dressing up for the winter a lot easier so I wanted to share what I felt are the 5 Winter essentials you need right now to get through winter in one piece. Winter essentials let you do all the things you love without compromising style and your health ( yes your health)!

I got used to cold winters and a million of inches of snow growing up in Minnesota but what MN didn’t prepare me for was the constant change in weather that New England is so fond of. One day it can be 50 degrees and the next -7 ( this literally just happened on Thanksgiving). Living here for so long has taught me that layering and finding easy essentials for the winter is an important part of feeling comfortable in New England winters.

Let’s talk about color in the winter. My winter accessories are bold with some neutral colors thrown in there. I know it gets dark outside super early and its not as sunny but that is no reason to wear dark colors all the time. This season I am thrilled with all the bold colors such as mustard, Merlot and forest green. While I of course have my grey and black staples I use all winter long–its important to throw in some color to get excited about what you are wearing. So when picking out accessories don’t be afraid of a little color! These picks from Humanity Style Boutique incorporate both neutrals and bright colors so I was super excited to check them out and try everything on.

So lets get right to business, below you will find my picks for winter essentials you need as well as some information on where you can purchase them if you’d like!

  • Fleece lined hats

Hats are great, but if they don’t keep you warm there’s really no point right? Well get yourself some fleece-lined hats. Look for hats that are tightly knit and don’t let a lot of air in. One tip to keep in mind is that wearing hats can dehydrate your hair, so make sure you are taking care of that beautiful head full of hair as well. While hats can take moisture out of your hair ( thanks WINTER) they keep you super warm–> Because who wants a cold noggin??

Lined hats are perfect to keep your head and ears warm

Colors like this will keep you happy through the winter months!

  • Fleece lined mittens

Wearing mittens reminds me of my childhood in Minnesota ( yes another MN reference 🙂 ) and the freezing cold, ice, and waist deep snow that came along with the territory. Mittens always kept my hands cozy and they are perfect for that extra layer of warmth. They are cute, fashionable and keep you properly bundled up with all your other layers. Just think of this picture for a moment “You’re in a sleigh on a  ride through the woods with your mittened hands holding on to a steaming mug of hot chocolate” wait… that doesn’t really work because the hot cocoa might get all over you, but you get my drift. Just keep those fingers safe AND warm!

Neutral colors like these go well with any outfit!

  • Touch screen gloves

Now these are a true gem, because in this day and age of smart phones and social media it is important we can stay warm AND use our devices. Am I right? Not only are they warm and cozy but they provide us with the versatility we need. Plus plaid is in this season, in a BIG way. I’ve noticed more plaid around than when I was 9 years old in the 90’s– and that is saying a lot.

Perfect for all the tech in your life ( also great as a stocking stuffer)

Stay warm with these essentials!


  • Blanket Scarves

These are the true MVP’s of winter wear in my opinion. They are large, they are warm and you can use them in a variety of ways. They can be used as a scarf,a shawl, to wrap your head, wrap your neck or literally as a small blanket. I’ve used them as all of these and they work so perfectly. Think again to that sleigh ride earlier, wouldn’t these be absolutely perfect to wrap around you? Get two and one can go around your neck!

Thick, soft and perfect for layering

Another view of all those layers that keep you warm!

  • Long cardigans

As a kid I hated these things, not sure why ( maybe it was the 90’s style 🙂 ) as I got older I learned to appreciate how great they were. Cardigans can be used in so many ways; specifically as a way to layer in the weather we get in New England. I have several long cardigans/vests and they are so versatile. If I get warm I can take them off and if I get cold again, on it goes. It’s the perfect “a little something extra” you may need in cold offices or in the car if you don’t want to wear a bulky coat.

This is an everyday layering staple!

There are all sorts of cardigans, pick the one you like the most!

If you live in New England, Winter is here to stay. So why not dress warm and look cute while doing it? You can look just as stylish in the winter that you do the rest of the year and these winter essentials make it worth it to get up, get dressed and brave the chilly weather!

Stay Warm,

Life as a Maven


*Want to buy these specific items? Go check out Humanity Style located Downtown Lowell or DM them on Instagram for product updates.




  1. Love this! Going to have to snag some of these winter essentials! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by!

  2. Oh my gosh I love all these suggestions! I’m all about that warm, cozy life!

    1. Agreed. No point in being cold! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Very cute accesories for the winter! I really like the hats! #scsister
    xo Aurora

    1. Aww thanks! They are so cozy! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I so need those hats! They look so cozy and warm!


    1. They are so so warm! Love them. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I love the hats! I need one…sort of…I live in a Florida but I promise it gets cold!

    1. Oh you Floridians thinking it gets cold down there! Jk jk. Thanks for stopping by!!!

  6. I love my cc lined fleece hat. I love fleece everything!

    1. Oh yes! Especially in these very cold days…thanks so much for stopping by Jen!

  7. Those hats look so cozy!!

    1. They are incredibly cozy!!! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. These are all such great winter essentials! I definitely need some fleece lined and some touch screen gloves!

    1. Arent they great? Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I love all of these products! So excited to bundle up for the winter!!

    1. Same! I love layering up.
      Thanks for stopping by!

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