Take a Ride on the Wild Side at Animal Adventures

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Picture this: A woman deathly afraid of bugs, but incredibly intrigued by reptiles, owls, and animals that could actually harm me. Yeah that’s me, Timna, aka the Maven. I have loved snakes since I was seven years old when a cool guy brought a boa constrictor to my class and I watched it eat a mouse and then held it on my shoulders. All 70Read Now

Crack’d Kitchen & Coffee is a Good Egg

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At Crack’d its all about doing the right thing From the second I walked into Crack’d Kitchen & Coffee in Andover, Massachusetts I knew it was going to be a good time. I had been there once previously and had reached out to one of the owners Danny Azzarello to see if I could come back to write a piece on them because I wasRead Now

The 15 Things You Just Have to do in London, England

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“Mind the Gap”- London Underground If I could write about all the things I did on my trip to London in one blog post, I would. Truth is, our trip was filled with many planned adventures but also a few unplanned adventures. It seemed like every corner we turned in London there was something new to discover. As a city with over 8 million inRead Now

&Pizza | Cambridge, MA

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“Those pizzas I ate were for medicinal purposes.” ― Amy Neftzger Pizza. Invented ages ago because flour, tomatoes, herbs & cheese were easily accessible and cheap to make, Pizza has become that one food that is pretty universal. I have had my fair share of pizza in my thirty years on earth, something I am quite proud of-haha and every time I find a place IRead Now