Littleton, NH & Franconia Ridge State Park

This past weekend found me, Roosevelt and our friends in the White Mountain area. The weather was perfect for a climb and though we weren’t able to finish it because it was much too difficult we enjoyed some waterfalls along the way took some great pictures and boy did we ever get some cardio in. (I can still barely walk!) 🙂

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Once we finally got back down we wanted to head to the hotel to get refreshed and to eat. Seeing as we just had a grueling workout and hadn’t eaten much save for trail mix and a protein bar and lots of water.

Thayer’s Inn

This historic Inn was established in 1843 and several presidents and other people of importance stayed here. Ulysses S Grant and Richard Nixon both stayed here. Bette Davis was also said to love Littleton, NH and went there a lot. The rooms were comfortable, the service fantastic. The water hot. After a long day that was all I needed.  They also had a wonderful Patio area that we all hung out on after dinner and watched our friend do card tricks and enjoyed the nice weather and conversation.

Grille One Eleven

This restaurant was right below the Inn we stayed it. Even though we were a somewhat large group and it was late they still were very accommodating, helped us with everything we asked for and our waitress was wonderful. Most of us ordered Pasta dishes and those were very good. Mine in particular the Lobster Mac & Cheese was one of the best I have ever had. It had tons of lobster, was fresh, flavorful, cheesy and hot! The salad I had before hand was quite good as well with the House Italian dressing, one of the better dressings I have had. I then had the Limoncello Cake for dessert and that was wonderful as well. Perfect, not too sweet and perfectly tart. I had no complaints about anything at this restaurant. They really went the extra mile for us.

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Yesterday we took the time to walk around the town of Littleton after a fun breakfast at a local diner to finish off our trip.  We saw the World’s longest candy counter, thrift shops, a Riverwalk Covered bridge, a street piano, and other fun stuff.


This place was fun, full of candy, soda’s, memories, history. It was wonderful here.

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Riverwalk Covered Bridge

A great place to take pictures and look at the surrounding scenery in Littleton.

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Littleton Diner

This place was down the street from our Inn and we had a nice filling breakfast here and the service was fantastic! Good prices as well for a large breakfast.

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All in all we had a nice trip and though Roosevelt and I might not be climbing any more mountains in our life time we still enjoyed ourselves and the time spent with friends.

If you are ever in this area make sure to drop by Littleton and relax. It’s worth it.  (I would drive two hours for that Lobster Mac & Cheese!)

Eat, Travel & Live Well,



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